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Floating Roof Drain Systems

Floating Roof Drain Systems

Proven technology. Maintenance-free. Easy to install.

The Matrix Applied Technologies Drain System is easy to install in any tank. Each drain line requires just a 500mm wide corridor to operate in, between sump and shell nozzle. We will provide installation drawings if you send us your drain data.

In tanks above 60m diameter, it is advisable for safety reasons, to fit more than one drain. This can easily be done with the Matrix Applied Technologies Drain System. As many as 5 lines have previously been fitted to one large crude oil storage tank.

Advantages over swivel joint drains:

  • Conventional swivel joint drains will eventually leak and require periodic maintenance. Tank cleaning costs can be extremely expensive.
  • Matrix Applied Technologies drain joints will give a maintenance free life of more than 15 years.
  • Only 4 drain joints/line are required, making the drain much cheaper, simpler, lighter and easier to install.

Advantages over hose drains:

  • Drain hoses can have problems with roof landing legs interfering with a drain hose, resulting in premature drain failure.
  • Drain hoses can have problems with their own buoyancy and must be very heavy to overcome their own displaced weight, particularly in larger drain diameters.
  • Our drains always remain within the same narrow operating corridor, and never interfere with landing legs because of the fixed geometry of our drain system.
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